How To Play

Getting started

To start a new game, tap Create Table. To join a table tap Join Table where you will be asked to enter the game ID. The game ID is a 4 letter/digit code.

When you create a new table, you can select your table settings. Most of these are self-explanatory if you have played Mahjong. There are various pre-sets available by tapping the tiles at the top (HK, MCR, TW, SG, SELF which is for custom settings).


In the waiting room

When all 4 players are in, tap on Start Game to play. At this point the host can further change settings by tapping on the starting wind button (East Wind above) to choose which wind to start, and toggle choosing seats (Draw Tiles above) to choose to draw tiles to select seats or for host to manually assign seats.

In this case the host has chosen to start from South Wind, with MJ King as starting dealer, but currently playing as West seat in this round. Note the red boot button at the top left of each avatar is enabled only for the host.

When someone disconnects, players will be brought back to this screen again. When all 4 players are back online, the host can continue the old game by dragging the respective players from the ‘old’ game to the correct players. Tap Start Game when ready.


At the table

As this is a game amongst friends, there is no timer. If you do not wish to take an action, tap pass.

To pay someone, tap on that person’s name or the $ icon. You may also tap any name to bring up the keypad and toggle the player to pay to from the keypad itself.

Tapping on your own coin icon brings up the last 5 transactions between you and the other players.

Flowers can be zoomed/un-zoom by tapping on the tiles themselves.

Remember, the game does not check for valid hands. False Mahjong is possible!

When someone wins, a window will pop up showing you the player’s hand. Tap on Next Game to play another game. If you need to see the discards, tap anywhere in the pop up. Tapping the discard area on the table will bring you back to the Next Game window.

Finally, options including auto-sort, auto-reveal and turning the microphone on/off can be set by tapping the settings 
